The US has just experienced the 12 wettest months in its recorded history,1 a statistic that’s not good news for homes and buildings with structural vulnerabilities that let moisture in. A window that’s improperly flashed can quickly become one of the most vulnerable points in the structure, allowing mold and rot to enter and do their dirty work.
Moisture can breach the window’s exterior from virtually any angle or direction, so durable, dependable flashing is considered an essential barrier between windows and siding. Flexible flashing is a popular choice, as it supports effective shaping of critical corners and is more likely to remain reliably flat and protective.
Some questions to ask when considering corner flashing solutions:
Henry® offers an effective corner flashing option known as Moistop® Corner Shield, a strong, user-friendly polyolefin product that seamlessly meshes with other components of the Henry® 1-2-3 Moisture Control System. Moistop Corner Shield conforms flexibly to framing, integrating into the wall system to create a seamless barrier in the corners. Durable enough to reliably resist wear and tear, it is more economical than bitumen- and butyl-based products.
Watch our Moistop installation video.
Moistop Corner Shield is quicker and easier to install than other available options, saving time and money for your project. They’re part of the dependable Henry family of options and accessories, delivering Building Confidence™ to you with an effective performance at a reasonable cost.
Learn more.
Source: 1The United States just had its wettest 12 months on record.
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